To use Looking Glass with OpenOSRS, you will first want to download OpenOSRS.jar from
To get the .jar version, select Other for operating system.
Within TRiBot, select the New Looking Glass Client (OpenOSRS) button. A popup file explorer window will appear. Within this file explorer, locate the OpenOSRS.jar file you downloaded and select Open. OpenOSRS will then be launched and TRiBot will attach to it once it is loaded. If you have a slower connection and it is your first time running OpenOSRS, you may need to do this twice as there is a timeout when attaching to OpenOSRS and if it doesn't load fast enough TRiBot will timeout.

Additionally, this is the only way to use OpenOSRS with TRiBot. If you launch OpenOSRS outside of TRiBot, TRiBot will not be able to connect to it.


To use Looking Glass with OSBuddy, you will first need to download Java 8 and ensure it is your default Java.
If you have other versions of Java on your computer, we recommend uninstalling all of them and restarting your computer before continuing.
We recommend using the AdoptOpenJDK version of Java:
Make sure you are using 64 bit and not 32 bit. 32 bit is not supported at this time.
If you use Oracle JDK then make sure you are using a version between 8u111 and 8u231.Make sure
Java 8 is your default Java by opening up the command line and typing java -version
It should output the following:

Next you will want to install the OSBuddy.jar from
Scroll down to the downloads and select Cross-platform.
Download OSBuddy.jar and launch it with Java.
Once OSBuddy is loaded, attach to it with TRiBot using the New Client (Looking Glass) button.