Here are some steps you can take if your TRiBot client will not open.

Change the Garbage Collector
If the loading icon appears and the client doesn't show after it disappears, the garbage collector that TRiBot uses may not be supported on your system. You can change it by doing the following:

  1. Head to the C:\Program Files\TRiBot\tribot-gradle-launcher folder
  2. Right click the build.gradle file in that folder and open it with Notepad (as an administrator)
  3. Search for the phrase +UseZGC (you can use Control+F to search)
  4. Replace it with +UseG1GC (alternative just do a find replace using the phrases from above)
  5. Save the file
  6. Relaunch TRiBot, with any luck it'll work!

Delete .gradle Folder

If you used to run TRiBot without any problems, but now it won't open, deleting your .gradle folder may fix this.

  1. Head to the C:\Program Files\TRiBot\tribot-gradle-launcher folder
  2. Delete .gradle
  3. Then head to your home directory (C:\Users\<your user>)
  4. Delete .gradle
  5. Relaunch TRiBot, with any luck it'll work!

Reinstalling TRiBot

A reinstall may fix the launching of TRiBot if nothing else has so far. Uninstall TRiBot through your operating system and then visit the install directory and delete any remaining files (this is important!). After making sure the install directory is clean, reinstall TRiBot.

You additionally may also want to try installing TRiBot in a folder located in your user directory rather than in program files.

If none of the above worked for you, there may be connection issues at the time of you launching the client.