Before we begin
If you haven't already, please read the intro on how to use the command line to launch TRiBot. It provides a lot of background to use this tutorial and this tutorial will be expecting you to have that knowledge. Once you do read that, please come back and finish this tutorial
The arguments
- Example data has been provided to try and make the arguments easier to understand, please make sure you replace the example data with your data
- If you're having issues with an argument not being understood correctly by TRiBot try placing the argument in double quotes (""). You may have to put a \ in front of each " to ensure it works correctly.
To accomplish tab support, most arguments were changed from taking a single value to taking multiple values. These values are to be separated by a `,`
As an example, here's how to pass multiple scripts:
--script "Auto Fisher Pro", "S~Afker"
The following arguments support multiple values, each separated by a comma:
How TRiBot determines which tabs to run
When getting the arguments, TRiBot runs through them, looking for the highest number of tabs it has all values for. That way it can avoid crashing if it doesn't receive enough arguments for each tab. The following are some example scenarios to explain the logic and what will happen:
Note: The following arguments will not affect if a tab is ran. If they are supplied they will be used for their respective tab otherwise the default values are used.
Example 1: You pass in three scripts, but only one account
--script "Auto Fisher Pro","nRestocker","S~Afker" --charusername "TutorialAccount1" --charpassword password
In this example, only one tab will open and that is a tab with the "TutorialAccount1" account running "Auto Fisher Pro" all other tabs will be discarded as we don't have enough information for them. This will happen with any uneven combination of script names, account names and account passwords.
Example 2: You pass in three scripts, three accounts and two sets of script arguments
--script "Auto Fisher Pro","nRestocker","S~Afker" --charusername "TutorialAccount1",TutorialAccount2,"TutorialAccount3" --charpassword password,"password","password" --scriptargs "","restocker-profile1"
In this example, three tabs will open.
- Tab 1 will be: "Auto Fisher Pro" with no arguments and the account "TutorialAccount1"
- Tab 2 will be: "nRestocker" with the arguments "restocker-profile1" and the account "TutorialAccount2"
- Tab 3 will be "S~Afker" with no arguments and the account "TutorialAccount2"
Example 3: You pass in (among other things, but we'll assume those are okay) three proxies but only one proxy login
--proxyhost "",,"" --proxyport 1080,"1080",1080 --proxyusername "proxyuser" --proxypassword "password"
In this example, three tabs will open and three proxies will attempt to be used
- Tab 1 will use the proxy, with the port 1080 and attempt to use the username and password provided.
- Tab 2 will use the proxy with the port 1080 and attempt to not use any username or password as it was not provided
- Tab 3 will use the proxy with the port 1080 and attempt to not use any username or password
Example 4: You pass in (among other things, but we'll assume those are okay) three proxies but only one port
--proxyhost "",,"" --proxyport 1080
In this example, three tabs will open but only one tab uses a proxy
- Tab 1 will use the proxy, with the port 1080 and attempt to not use any username or password as it was not provided
- Tab 2 will not use a proxy as there was no port for it
- Tab 3 will not use a proxy as there was no port for it
Example 5: You pass in multiple proxies and multiple proxy credentials
--proxyhost "",,"" --proxyport 1080,"1080",1080 --proxyusername "proxyuser","proxyuser",proxyuser --proxypassword "password",password
In this example, three tabs will open and three proxies will attempt to be used
- Tab 1 will use the proxy, with the port 1080 and attempt to use the username "proxyuser" and the password "password"
- Tab 2 will use the proxy with the port 1080 and attempt to use the username "proxyuser" and the password "password"
- Tab 3 will use the proxy with the port 1080 and attempt to not use any username or password as there wasn't one provided