TRiBot aims to have some of the best premium scripts on the market, but it's possible that you may not be completely satisfied with a script you purchased. If that's the case we have a process in place to get a refund for the script.
- Get in contact with the script author and explain your situation to them. Outline to the script author why you are not satisfied with the script and explain that you would like a refund for the script as you're not satisfied.
- The scripter, if they so choose, can issue a refund at their own discretion. If they choose not to, at that point the next option is to open a script dispute.
- A script dispute is a claim against the script where you say that the script is not working as advertised and the author isn't working towards fixing the script
- To open a script dispute, head to the script dispute section on the forums and post a thread using this template
- Once the dispute is opened a TRiBot Staff member will mediate a solution between yourself and the script author.
This process can be a little confusing, and that's okay! If you have any other questions about getting a refund, please feel free to open a support ticket.