This issue is likely caused by a corrupted file in your TRiBot system, hooks.dat.

This corrupted hooks.dat file can cause your bot to get stuck, appear to endlessly run north, or sometimes even crash scripts completely. You may also see an error that is similar to the error shown below, although this is not always the case; it is also possible for hooks.dat to be corrupt without any error being displayed.

How To Remove hooks.dat

  • Open TRiBot's Settings folder. You can do this by following these steps:
    • Open a TRiBot client (if you don't already have one open).
    • Select the File menu.
    • Select the View Local Scripts Folder option.
    • Wait for the scripts folder to open. This will happen automatically.
    • From the scripts folder, go back a couple of times until you are in the .tribot folder.
    • From the .tribot folder, open the Settings folder.
    • Leave the Settings folder open, and go to step #2.
  • Close all TRiBot clients.
  • Locate a file called "hooks.dat". This will be inside of the Settings folder that you opened in step #1.
  • Delete the hooks.dat file.
  • Restart your client.
  • Start botting again!

If this doesn't fix your issue, you can try sending the author of the script a PM to check if your problem is script related. Make sure you try the above steps first though!